Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 35

I didn't take this picture today... I took it last fall of a sculpture on exhibit at Iowa State. I wrote the following poem that was inspired by in for a Creative Writing: Poetry class. Just thought I would share it. :-)

Response Inspired by Price of Victory (Fallen Soldier) 1944 by Christian Petersen

For Lewis Randolph, member of the Army 4th Infantry Division (1943-45)

You were not one of the bodies
Brought home in a box.
Left too early in the ground,
Silent, alone, hopes and dreams
Left unfulfilled.

Maybe you looked like him.
Falling, leaning, tumbling down.

Maybe at that moment you pictured
Russet-brown curls, cherry lips,
A blushing face, turned down focusing
On that letter in your pocket.

Maybe your feet, tired and weary--
From walking, fighting, wanted to stop.
To go no further, to give no more.

Maybe you wished to just die there,
To not drag your body, what
Must have felt like miles for help,
To pass the others; fallen,
Who have no more breath.

Still, you returned to your Lorraine,
With a medal to show your grandkids.
You grew old, white, with your hands Wrinkled with stories left to tell.

But, around a kitchen table visiting,
Helping because she’s gone.
We finally heard the purple medal story
Hung upon your heart.

Your assignment-a routine movement.
In charge of a group of men.
Set upon by the enemy and their
“Screaming Mimi’s”, shrilling like
An angry mob of women.

The pain in your legs, torso, backside,
As the tiny pieces of shrapnel dug in,
Your men, some injured,
Some later shrouded in red, white, blue,
All looking to you for guidance,
For you to find help,
To get them home,
End the pain.

We sat in silence all around the table
Late into the night,
That story and so many more.
I saw a great man in you,
Remembering who taught me to dance
At weddings,
With your laugh I looked for and
Always hugs that smelled of tobacco.

I learned that night,
You are not a silent soldier,
A fallen soldier.
You were not brought home in a box.

Friday, January 29, 2010

... Day ?

So here's the deal... I have obviously failed at updating this or taking my pictures everyday. So, here's what I'm going to do: I am going to post whatever pictures I have tomorrow... er--- later today as it is now 1:30 am. I will then start again on Sunday by attempting to post 1 picture every day. I realize, I am not going to be perfect at this... I'm going to fall of the band wagon again... But, this is something I want to do and I'm not going to beat my head in just because I failed to post EVERY DAY. I am doing this for me and while this is a Project 365... and 365 pictures are needed... I'll make up for any missed days by posting more than one for other days. I'm sure some days will be boring and others exciting, this should counter this problem, right? (God, I hope so!)

Alright, off I go to get sleep and hopefully find motivation in that sleep. <3

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 16, 17

I know. I am still a horrible slacker. I started out so well, full of steam. I look before me at the year ahead and I am excited to document it. I have so many awesome things happening to me and to my family and friends. I only need to remember to take my camera with me every where (which I'm getting better at) and remember to take pictures (which I am not so hot at). So, this will be what I continue to strive for. Also, remembering to put the pictures up on the day I take them is essential.

The picture for Day 16, I threw together Saturday night. My dad grabbed the oil lamp and lit it and told me to snap away. So I did. I'm still not completely happy with it. I might have to try this shot again sometime.

Day 17-- Today Dad set up his Christmas gift: a 55 gallon fish tank. He finished building the stand using refurbished barn board and it looks really rustic and cool. The fish are koi. I love water and fish, so I could take pictures of the fish for awhile. And I did. About 15 minutes. The resulting picture is the only one I've edited at all. I auto-corrected and cropped it. I like the results. Enjoy and until tomorrow!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 14, 15

Once again, I am kind of sucking at putting up my pictures on time. Yesterday though, I wasn't feel well. Today I feel much better. Still tired and achy though.

Yesterday (Day 14), since I wasn't feeling well, I took a nap. Waffles did too...

Day 15--
If I were only once inch tall, this is all I'd see:

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 13

Day 13 is brought to you by the letter 'K'!

Also, my keyboard needs dusting...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 12

Today, in pursuit of an awesome picture, I walked around outside in the cold and snow. I know, I know. That's not much different than what I do everyday, except today I forgot to wear boots. So today, while running around looking for picture, standing in the middle of a snow drift, I thought to myself "These pictures better turn out!" And guess what? None of them from when I was standing in the middle of a snowdrift turned out worthy of being posted. -.- But I am pretty happy with the picture I got. What do you think?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 10, 11

So yesterday kinda got away from me without a picture post. Ooops. I watched a movie with my family and then got busy doing some other things and went to bed without posting any pictures. So, today, everybody gets two. :-)

Day 10--

Was a relaxing day. These are swirls in the top of snow drifts created by the wind blowing the snow.

Day 11--

Today was also relaxing, but mostly boring. I worked, I did laundry. I took a pretty picture. I've been in this weird funk lately. I'm hoping to dig myself out tomorrow.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 8

I know, I know... I'm posting early in the day. Freaking miracle, right? LOL

Today my dad asked me to plug in the heater we have attached to the tractor to help it start so that we can push snow. So, when I headed out to the shed to plug in the extension cord, I found this:

The tractor covered in snow! I thought it was funny that the machine we will use to push snow is covered in a nice layer of snow. We got around 8 inches of snow, but at least 6 this last snow fall. There is plenty of snow everywhere, if you like that sort of thing. I happen to not like it, but don't mind it too terribly much at the moment as the sun is shining and it's actually barable outside if I dress appropriately for the weather. (long parka, hat, gloves, scarves, boots up to my knees) Enjoy the weather where you are. I know I am. *smirk*

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 7

Today, I definitely procrastinated on taking my picture. It was a lazy day. I slept in late, hung out in the afternoon and went to work at 4 for just a couple of hours. Then dinner and more being lazy. It's hard to be motivated to do something when it's snowing outside, there is snow half-way to your knees and it's freezing cold. So, I took a picture of the sock monkey my cousin Jack made for my Dad for Christmas. I love this little guy. He's so cute!

Hopefully, the roads will be better tomorrow and I can go for a drive and take some more pretty winter pictures. I heard the cows had snow covering them when they were laying down today and looked like marshmallows. Might have to go check it out tomorrow! Until then...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 6

Well, today... I felt a little... kitschy? Is that the word... maybe. Maybe it doesn't exactly describe this cute little cardinal, but well, he's cute. He just sits on his swing, laughing on our front porch. My high school's mascot is a cardinal. (Class of 2006... Go Cards!... and all that. lol) So, she picked up this cardinal from somewhere or someone gave it to her... Not sure which. But it's cute. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 5

Outdoor wood burning furnace. Here is a link that explains how it works.

I tried taking various other artsy shots, but they didn't turn out well. I let the sun go down too far and the natural light was too low for them. Maybe tomorrow... Too tired to post more. I'll keep trying on the witty story & commentary...

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4

Yesterday, I had a hard time figuring out what to take a picture of. I didn't really go anywhere or do anything... Today, I had a 3 hour drive as part of my day. Close to my parents' home is the small town of Oxford Junction. It's similar to most other small town, except, when you drive in it's downtown... it isn't exactly dead. It's not thriving but there are a fair amount of businesses for how small it is. A few bars, a restaurant, a bank, a city hall... and just on the outside, in a smaller community that is pretty much connected, is Oxford Mills, where this Victorian beauty sits.

I have admired this house for years... adored it, saw it slowly fade to the hand of time. Someday, I want to own a house like this. I want to mix modern with Victorian and decorate the inside. I want to someday, save an old house from demolition and fix the structure into grand and shining, something that someone else can drive by and say... I want to own one. Just like that...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Waffles (Day 3)

My dog Waffles is the best friend a girl could ask for. And, yes, I am perfectly aware how cliche that statement is. She is cute, perky, happy, and follows me around like I am a divine idol. It's nice to be loved and adored, no matter what I do. She wants my approval and attention... needs it, it seems, to survive. Look at her! How can you not love that face?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 2

Oh boy... Day 2. What a day! Day 2 is a big day in my life. Today is the day #1 (or W) and I bought my engagement ring! We went shopping at Jordan Creek Mall and specifically Jared. Yes, we went to Jared!

After a few hours, a few checks, a couple bottles of water, and a slight headache... I now have a gorgeous ring!

I know the first 2 entries were pretty short, but hopefully, as the year goes on... I can take more time and create more elaborate, witty, and interesting stories about my photos. So, until tomorrow...

Day 1

Happy New Year! Happy Project 365!

This morning I woke up around noon after being out until 3 am on NYE. So, what do I decide to do on New Year's Day? Go out for drinks with friends of course!

Before that, we had Christmas with my future MIL & FIL and went to see Sherlock Holmes. Pretty great movie... but for now, the picture!

The above was the best Sex on the Beach I've had... Pretty pink, but cloudy, sure sign of cream being in the drink. We were at Olde Main, the beer on the right is called Reindeer Fuel and is a seasonal brew that includes flavors of chocolate. The beer on the left is Dinkey Wheat, named after the train that ran between Iowa State's campus and downtown years ago. It is a similar to Blue Moon and is served with an orange.

I love getting together with these girls for drinks... E & K are pretty great people... the best of friends I could ask for and 2/4 of my bridesmaids.

Well, that's it for photo 1. Hopefully this will get better as we go...

Project 365

"Take a picture every day and publish it: of yourself, of other people, of your stuff, of other people's stuff. Take time to see the world around you. Take time to notice what's pretty, what's ugly, what worth noticing along your daily travels. Take it with your webcam, your phone, your point and shoot, or your fancypants camera."

This is my goal. Every day for a year I will upload pictures and (hopefully) a little blurb of what it is/what it means to me/why I wanted to include it. Here we go!

Also, if you are interested in any of the awesome people going on this journey with me... Find them here: Project 365 on Facebook